Olecranon bursitis, also known as elbow bursitis, occurs when there is inflammation of the bursae, a form of membrane found at the olecranon bone of the elbow.
The olecranon is responsible for the flexion and extension of the elbow thus when inflammation occurs at the bursae, mobility of the elbow is impaired.
Olecranon bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa at the tip of the elbow.
What causes olecranon bursitis?
There are 3 potential causes of olecranon bursitis, these are:
Trauma or accidents: high impact to the area such as falling or getting hit at the elbow can lead to bursae rupture, and eventually result in olecranon or elbow bursitis.
Side effects of other health conditions: inflammatory conditions or other health conditions such as diabetes, alcoholism, and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which hampers the body's natural healing capabilities can cause olecranon bursitis.
Infection: bacteria penetration at the bursa via injury can cause the bursa to get inflammed, resulting in olecranon bursitis.
What are the symptoms of olecranon bursitis?
It is hard to miss olecranon bursitis, some symptoms include:
Swelling: an immediate enlargement of the elbow, a "blob"-like mass forms at the elbow.
Redness: the impacted area becomes red, however, this may not show among patients that have darker skin tones.
Warmness: the elbow and area of impact may feel warmer compared to other areas.
Olecranon (elbow) bursitis causes a mass to form at the elbow.
If you notice any of the symptoms, make an appointment with an orthopaedic specialist to get an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Dr Puah KL is our Senior Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Artisan Sports & Orthopaedic Surgery. He used to serve the sports service of Singapore General Hospital - the highest volume trauma centre for orthopaedics in Singapore.
Some individuals with olecranon bursitis have reported not feeling any pain at all, while others have reported extreme pain. The pain experienced by this condition varies.
However, it is worthwhile noting that it is important to have an orthopaedist treat olecranon bursitis even if you do not have any pain, this helps to avoid exacerbating your condition.
Who is at risk of olecranon bursitis in Singapore?
There are several factors that increase your risk of developing olecranon bursitis, these are:
Gender: men are more likely to develop olecranon bursitis than women.
Age: olecranon bursitis are common in men in the age range of 30-60 years.
Occupation: workers whose job involves crawling on their knees and placing weight on the elbow for support (technicians working in tight spaces) are more prone to developing olecranon bursitis.
How is olecranon bursitis diagnosed?
Diagnosing olecranon bursitis is rather straightforward as the condition has visible physical symptoms. However, an investigation for infection is usually conducted.
You would typically be required to go through the following:
Physical examination: the first step of diagnosis will be a physical examination to identify the area of pain and range of motion.
X-ray: an x-ray will be conducted to check for fractures.
Ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): imaging tests such as an MRIwill check for the presence of inflammation of the bursa.
Laboratory tests: blood tests or aspiration of the joint will be conducted to test the fluid for the presence of inflammation or gout.
What are the treatment options for olecranon bursitis in Singapore?
Treatment will depend if an infection has occurred.
Apart from that, treatment would typically involve:
Medication: elbow or olecranon bursitis caused by a bacteria infection will be treated with a course of antibiotics.
Drainage: the elbow may be drained to relieve pressure.
Bursa/steroid injections: corticosteroid injections can be administered at the elbow to help to reduce inflammation and relieve pain immediately.
Oral corticosteroids: like their injection counterpart, these medications help to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. However, the effect is not immediate.
Physiotherapy: physiotherapy involves the use of gentle and therapeutic exercises that help to improve range of motion and improve the strength of weak muscles.
Surgery: in rare cases, drainage of the inflamed bursa is necessary for recovery.
The elbow may be drained to relieve pressure.
Frequently asked questions
How to treat olecranon bursitis at home?
What happens to olecranon bursitis if left untreated?
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